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Contact us

You are welcome to contact us at the Swedish Competition Authority. Here you will find our telephone number, information about our opening hours, e-mail addresses, our postal address and visiting address.


+46-8-700 16 00
Regular opening hours: Weekdays, 08:00–16:30

From 24 June to 16 August 2024, the switchboard and reception are open at 08:00–16:00 and closed for lunch at 12:00–13:00.


The registry's telephone and opening hours for the public:
Weekdays 09:00–11:00 and 13:00–15:30


E-mail to registrar:
E-mail to employees:

Tip us off

You may make a tip off by sending an email to . If you want to remain anonymous, it is important that your name is not listed in the email or anywhere else in the tip-off. If you wish to remain anonymous, we recommend creating a fictitious email address.

Information on how to make a tip-off about competition and procurement problems

Visiting address

Ringvägen 100, 8th floor, Stockholm. Se map

Postal address

Konkurrensverket, Ringvägen 100, SE-118 60 Stockholm, Sweden

International contacts

Graeme Jarvie
Telephone: +46-8-700 15 34

Press contacts

Marie Strömberg Lindvall
Telephone: +46-8-700 15 92

Questions or viewpoints concerning the website