Our organisation is divided into thirteen units and is led by the Director General.
Director General
Director General: Marie Östman
Support for the Director General
Deputy Director General and Head of Protective security: Hanna Witt
Chief Economist: Arvid Fredenberg
Units and functions
Read about the units and functions at the Swedish Competition Authority.
This unit handles incoming requests and initial handling of notifications regarding concentrations between undertakings. The unit handles examination of concentrations between undertakings and other enforcement activities according to the competition rules.
The unit handles issues related to information exchange under the Foreign Direct Investment Review Act.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for matters of concentrations between undertakings.
Head of Unit:
Maria Ulfvensjö Baltatzis, tel. +46-8-700 16 54, maria.ulfvensjo@kkv.seDeputy Head of Unit:
Pernilla Javier, tel. +46-8-700 15 79, pernilla.javier@kkv.seThis unit handles enforcement activities according to the competition rules.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for matters of horizontal agreements and leniency.
Head of Unit:
Hanna Lekås, tel. +46-8-700 15 71, hanna.lekas@kkv.seDeputy Head of Unit:
Linda Skoogberg, tel. +46-8-700 16 80, linda.skoogberg@kkv.seThis unit handles enforcement activities according to the competition rules.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for matters of vertical agreements, the retail monopoly for alcoholic beverages and the regulation on digital markets.
Acting Head of Unit:
Hanna Lekås, tel. +46-8-700 15 71, hanna.lekas@kkv.seDeputy Head of Unit:
Jaewon Kim, tel. +46-8-700 16 37, unit handles enforcement activities according to the competition rules.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for matters of abuse of a dominant position, anti-competitive public sales activities and the act on transparency in certain financial relationships, etc. (the Swedish Transparency Act).
Head of Unit:
Martin Mandorff, tel. +46-8-08-700 15 53, martin.mandorff@kkv.seDeputy Head of Unit:
David Nordström, tel. +46-8-700 16 06, david.nordstrom@kkv.seThis unit is responsible for information gathering, monitoring and handling of incoming tip-offs and requests to the authority. This includes handling of preliminary studies and preparing cases for possible further investigation. The unit also handles the external whistleblower function.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for ensuring that the Swedish Competition Authority has effective methods for identifying violations.
Head of Unit:
Grant McKelvey, tel. +46-8-700 16 85, grant.mckelvey@kkv.seTip-offs and Monitoring Director:
Peter Alstergren, tel. +46-8-700 15 85, peter.alstergren@kkv.seThis unit is responsible for supervising unfair trade practices in the agricultural and food supply chain.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for issues of unfair trading practices in the agricultural and food supply chain.
Head of Unit:
Martin Bäckström, tel. +46-8-700 15 58, martin.backstrom@kkv.seThis unit is responsible for supervision relating to violations of the procurement rules. It also includes violations of the laws on systems of freedom of choice. The unit is also responsible for registration and supervision of databases for publishing of contract notices in accordance with the Act (2019: 668) on procurement statistics. The unit is responsible for the register of databases for publishing of contract notices and the Swedish Competition Authority's database with court judgments in procurement cases.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for matters of procurement supervision.
Head of Unit:
Therése Westermark, tel. +46-8-700 16 77, therese.westermark@kkv.seDeputy Head of Unit:
Natacha Otte Widgren, tel. +46-8-700 16 55, natacha.otte.widgren@kkv.seThis unit coordinates and handles referrals and government assignments. The unit is also responsible for identifying obstacles to effective competition in public and private activities and obstacles to effective public procurement, as well as with consideration of proposals for competition and regulatory reform. The unit is responsible for the Swedish Competition Authority's research activities and matters relating to statistics on public procurement.
The unit is also responsible for referrals according to the regulation on electronic communications and referrals according to the regulation with supplementary provisions to the EU port services regulation.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for referrals, reports and research.
Head of Unit:
Nikos Tsakiridis, tel. +46-8-700 15 55, nikos.tsakiridis@kkv.seResearch Director:
Joakim Wallenklint, tel. +46-8-700 16 03, joakim.wallenklint@kkv.seThis unit is responsible for quality assurance of the economic analysis in the Swedish Competition Authority's cases. The unit also assists in the planning and preparation of supervisory matters.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for economic analysis and data analysis.
The unit is led by the chief economist, who has the overall responsibility for economic analysis.
Chief Economist and Head of Unit:
Arvid Fredenberg, tel. +46-8-700 15 41, arvid.fredenberg@kkv.seDeputy Head of Unit:
Karl Lundvall, tel. +46-8-700 15 56, karl.lundvall@kkv.seThis unit is responsible for legal quality assurance in supervisory matters and represents the Swedish Competition Authority in court. The unit assists in the planning and preparation of supervisory matters. The unit also assists in the preparation of regulations that affect the authority's supervisory activities.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for litigation and methods for determining sanction fees.
The unit is led by the chief legal officer, who has the overall responsibility for legal matters. The chief legal officer is also the publisher responsible for the Swedish Competition Authority's code of statutes.
Acting Chief Legal Officer and Head of Unit:
Johan Sahl, tel. +46-8-700 16 22, johan.sahl@kkv.seDeputy Head of Unit – competition:
Cecilia Widhagen, tel. +46-8-700 15 20, cecilia.widhagen@kkv.seDeputy Head of Unit – public procurement:
Maria Andersson Müller, tel. +46-8-700 15 65, maria.anderssonmuller@kkv.seThis unit is responsible for coordinating and developing external and internal communications and external monitoring. The unit is also responsible for information security as well as for the development, operation and support of the digital work environment.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for IT (including IT forensics) and communications.
The unit is led by the head of communications, who is responsible for publishing the Swedish Competition Authority's publications, such as newsletters, podcasts and the external website.
Head of Communications and Head of Unit:
Erika Svärdh, tel. +46-8-700 16 50, erika.svardh@kkv.seCommunications Director:
Åsa Lövström, tel. +46-8-700 16 36, asa.lovstrom@kkv.seIT Director:
Chris Chemnitz, tel. +46-8-700 15 54, chris.chemnitz@kkv.seThis unit is responsible for quality assurance in internal legal matters and handling of personal data. The unit represents the Swedish Competition Authority in court in matters relating to agency legal issues. The unit is responsible for the registry and handles questions regarding public documents and diary keeping and coordinates the authority's administrative support.
The unit is also responsible for issues related to the rights of individuals and for an independent review to be carried out prior to the presentation of proposals for final decisions in certain types of cases.
The unit coordinates the authority's international work and collaboration with corresponding authorities, networks and organisations in other countries.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for internal legal matters, including confidentiality, and for the rights of individuals, for example the prohibition on self-incrimination.
Head of Unit:
Sara Bratberg, tel. +46-8-700 16 45, sara.bratberg@kkv.seInternational Affairs Director:
Graeme Jarvie, tel. +46-8-700 15 34, graeme.jarvie@kkv.seAdministrative Supports Director:
Marie Hellman, tel. +46-8-700 16 25, marie.hellman@kkv.seThis unit is responsible for human resources, financial management, business planning and internal governance and control. The unit also handles the authority's own procurements and purchases as well as issues relating to premises, inventory and environmental management.
The head of unit has strategic responsibility for HR and finance.
The unit is led by the chief development officer who is responsible for overall method and development issues as well as for the authority’s Prioritisation Policy for Competition Law Enforcement and Supervision of the Public Procurement Rules.
Human Resources Director:
Karin Alling, tel. +46-8-700 15 08, karin.alling@kkv.seFinancial Director:
Adam Sandberg, tel. +46-8-700 16 96,
Councils affiliated to the Competition Authority
Research Council
The task of the Research Council is to stimulate research in the areas of competition and procurement and to participate when assessing which research projects should receive support from the Swedish Competition Authority.
Secretary of the Research Council: Joakim Wallenklint,
tel. +46-8-700 16 03,