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How we prioritise our competition enforcement efforts

We have a responsibility to use our resources as efficiently as possible. That is why we need to prioritise between our various competition enforcement cases. We focus on investigating issues that are of a general interest and that lead to clear results.

On this page you can see how we prioritise our competition enforcement efforts. We have a prioritisation policy that is used in the initial prioritisation, when we select which issues to investigate further. Various circumstances are then weighed against each other. Not all the factors that we consider in the prioritisation process must be fulfilled; this is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Continuous assessment

Although the prioritisation policy is initially applied, throughout the investigation we also continuously assess whether investigation of the case should continue. Available resources and the number and scope of other ongoing investigations, including reviews of concentrations, may influence our need for prioritisation. There may be several reasons why the Swedish Competition Authority closes investigations at a later stage without action, but it is not the prioritisation policy we rely on then.

Promote effective competition

We focus on investigating issues that are of a general interest and that lead to clear results. The aim is always to promote effective competition in private and public activities for the benefit of consumers.

The prioritisation policy serves not only to prioritise among tip-offs and complaints received by the Swedish Competition Authority. The policy also serves to identify the most serious indications among the signs we observe in the market. Tip-offs received are important, but we have multiple tools for identifying infringements also without the help of outside informants. We use media monitoring, but may also find suspected infringements through statistics on public procurements and other open sources.

Case prioritisation with respect to the Swedish Competition Authority’s power to order the filing of a concentration below the notification thresholds is not encompassed by this policy.

Factors that we weigh into the prioritiasion

In the choice between multiple cases that fulfil one of the grounds for prioritisation below, harm to competition and consumers is the priority factor that is ascribed the greatest weight. If we see signs of serious harm, priority will always be given to the issue, provided that we see a viable way of investigating and intervening to address the problem with the support of the competition rules.

In prioritising competition law enforcement, we weighs in the following factors:

  • Whether the issue at hand causes harm competition and consumers

  • Whether the conditions at hand allow for the issue to be effectively investigated and remedied

  • The deterrent effect and the need for guidance

  • Whether the Swedish Competition Authority is best placed to intervene

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