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The Pros and Cons of fighting Inflation with Competition Policy

The theme of the Pros and Cons 2023 Conference was the Pros and Cons of fighting Inflation with Competition Policy. Researchers and experts shared their perspectives on the topic.

Contributors: Martin Mandorff, Páll Gunnar Pálsson, Linda Gratz, Martin Flodén, Tina Søreide, Richard Friberg, Antonio Buttà, Pierre Régibeau, Karl Lundvall, Rikard Jermsten and Sten Nyberg. Panelists were also Ioannis Lianos, Ana Sofia Rodrigues and Vanessa Turner.

Topics and summary of the conference:

Welcome address by Rikard Jermsten, Director-General, Swedish Competition Authority

  • Summary

Keynote address: Can competition policy help fight inflation?

Lars Magnusson, Professor of Economic History, Uppsala University
Richard Friberg, Professor of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics

  • Summary

Panel 1: Does weak competition lead to more inflation?

Martin Flodén, Deputy Governor, the Riksbank
Tina Søreide, Director General, Norwegian Competition Authority
Páll Gunnar Pálsson, Director General, Icelandic Competition Authority
Moderator: Karl Lundvall, Swedish Competition Authority

  • Summary

Panel 2: Politicians consider new interventions to curb inflation – is competition at risk?

Ana Sofia Rodrigues, Chief Economist, Portuguese Competition Authority
Pierre Régibeau, Chief Competition Economist, DG Competition
Ioannis Lianos, President, Hellenic Competition Authority
Moderator: Sten Nyberg, Professor of Economics, Stockholm University

  • Summary

Panel 3: Does inflation weaken competition?

Antonio Buttà, Chief Economist, Italian Competition Authority
Linda Gratz, Director, E.CA Economics
Vanessa Turner, Senior Advisor, BEUC
Moderator: Martin Mandorff, Swedish Competition Authority

  • Summary