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Publicerad 1 maj 2002

Konkurrens, Uppdragsforskning,

Potential Competition: Theory empirical evidence and legal practice

Potential competition is a very important concept in the application of competition law. According to some theories in economics, potential competition is enough to limit market power even when one or a few firms has a very strong position in the market, in terms of actual market shares.

Even a monopolist will be restrained by the mere fact that there exists a potential entrant. These theories, however, build on some rather restrictive assumptions. Most importantly, there must be low entry barriers, no sunk costs, and consumers must not be "locked in" with their present supplier. Because these assumptions rarely hold in practice, most theoretical, as well as empirical, studies conclude that potential competition is less effective than actual competition in restraining dominant firms. In the present report, Associate Professor Mats Bergman of ECON has surveyed the existing knowledge of the effects of potential competition, on behalf of The Swedish Competition Authority.

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